From exotic woods to elegant crystal, our cigar ashtrays appeal to versatile tastes and styles with their unique and innovative construction. At eLighters, we offer a wide selection of cigar ashtrays suited to match your smoking needs. We cater to cigar smokers who enjoy smoking in solitude or even with a couple of their buddies with our single to triple cigar rest ashtrays. We even offer select cigar ashtrays that can be personalized with free engraving. A wonderful gift for cigar aficionados, find the perfect cigar ashtray to match their personal style here at eLighters.
Cigar ashtrays are an integral part of the social smoking experience. Whether you enjoy smoking your cigars in solitude or with a group of closest friends, we provide a large selection to cover all those needs and more. Exotic wood ashtrays define elegance and sophistication with their impeccable construction and quality build. Stainless steel ones offer reliability and easy cleaning with their smooth surfaces. For a more earth tone, we recommend one of the marble or onyx stone ashtrays available in variety of shapes and styles. Onyx cigar ashtrays are made from fair trade sourced Onyx from Kashmir region of Himalayan mountains.
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Cut-off Dates For Guaranteed Delivery Before Christmas for Orders Within USA:
Shipping Method
Engraving Option
Last Day To Order
With Engraving
Thursday, Dec 12th
Without Engraving / With Expedited Engraving
Monday, Dec 16th
Priority Mail
With Engraving
Monday, Dec 16th
Without Engraving / With Expedited Engraving
Tuesday, Dec 17th
UPS 3 Day Select
With Engraving
Monday, Dec 16th
Without Engraving / With Expedited Engraving
Tuesday, Dec 17th
UPS 2nd Day Air / Fedex 2 Days
With Engraving
Tuesday, Dec 17th
Without Engraving / With Expedited Engraving
Wednesday, Dec 18th
UPS Next Day Air/Express Mail
With Engraving
Wednesday, Dec 18th
Without Engraving / With Expedited Engraving
Thursday, Dec 19th
International Shipping (Outside of USA) Due to factors outside of our control we are unable to guarantee delivery dates for international orders. We ship all orders within 2-3 business days.